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Ceviche d’aiglefin avocat, pommelo et pousses de raifort - £13 


Haddock marinated in citrus with creamy avocado crisp apples and grated horseradish 



Tarte Tatin Salée aux aubergines et courgettes - £12.50


Savoury Tarte Tatin with slow cooked baked provençal vegetables



Hummus lentille verte du puy et pain Marocain maison - £12.50 


Green lentil hummus olive oil coriander roasted pine nuts, chilli and homemade Moroccan bread 



Moules au vin blanc et à l' estragon – £13


Mussels cooked with white wine and tarragon



 6 - 12 Escargots persillade - £13


Snails in garlic and parsley   



Paté en croute - £13 


Duck pork pistachio paté  



Soupe à l'oinion - £12 


Onion soup 











Plat du jour  


Pot - au feu - £22 


Slowly boiled beef cuts carrots potatoes and array of provencal vegetables   



Coquille saint jacques, shiitake et feuillete de pommes de terre - £23 


Pan fried scallops with mushrooms cooked in puff pastry



Poulet fermier aux chanterelles jaunes creme et haricots verts - £20.50


Free-range chicken with creamy chanterelle mushroom sauce and green beans 



Entrecôte “maitre d’hotel” au poivre  - £27 


rilled sirloin steak with peppercorn cream reduction with potato gratin 



Suprême de volaille fraiches - £20.50 


Chicken suprême with creamy shiitake mushroom sauce, french beans and garden peas 



Magret de canard à la rhubarbe et chips de poire comice – £19


Duck breast with rhubarb and comice fine pear chips  



Bardot beef burger - £17.50 


  Beef patty with Fourme d’Ambert cheese artisan bun caramelized onions bacon and lettuce 




Boeuf Bourgignon et sa purée maison á la graisse d’oie - £ 21


Classic Burgundian Beef stew, red wine and goose fat mash




SIDES - £5


Potato gratin dauphinois


Baby potatoes sauteed, garlic & parsley


Sauteed French beans


Green salad






Plateau à fromage une normande à Londres - £12 


Selection of French cheese served with grapes nuts and sourdough







Dessert du jour 


 Millefeuille aux framboise - £9.50


Raspberry Millefeuille 



Mousse au chocolat noir – £9.50  


Dark chocolate mousse   



L’eclair au chocolat noir et mocha - £9.50


       Chocolate and mocha eclair 







Provençale tapenade - £8


Crushed olives and dried tomatoes purée served with sourdough bread



Charcuterie board - £17


Selection of cooked ham, Parma ham, saucisson, sourdough, artisanal butter and pickles



French cheese board from Une Normande à Londres - £18


Selection of French cheese served with grapes, nuts and sourdough

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